Contact Center Solutions Featured Article

CRM Data Security Touted by Salesboom in TFAS

January 04, 2008, a vendor of SaaS CRM and ERP products, has announced it will offer two-factor authentication security to its customers. “With phishing scams on the rise,” the company says, new database security standards “ensure that your CRM database security and integrity will never be breached by phishing scams.” has always made it a point to needle whenever possible, and this latest news is no exception. Crowing about what company officials call “their flawless database security track record,” they helpfully remind you that “recently, customer security became an issue with when a phishing scam successfully retrieved an employee’s password, granting them access to a contact list.” Salesboom wouldn’t want you to forget that.
This phishing scam and future occurrences “could be avoided with implementation of two-factor authentication security,” they claim.
Two-factor authentication security uses a USB token, or key, containing an employee’s encrypted digital ID, which is required for successful database login. The digital ID is compared to an employee’s entered username and password, if a match is not successful access is not granted. An employee’s USB token is unique and can never be duplicated.
In October released its first CRM User Behavior Study. Beginning in April 2006, platform users served as the basis of this study. Product engineers at have used the findings to “improve user experience with different tools and technologies such as Ajax, streamlining CRM processes,” company officials said at the time.

According to the study, 67 percent of users “continuously seek shortcuts to complete a task.” Frequent CRM logins directly correlate to improved task times, the study found, and that Ajax-notes facilitated 61 percent more data entry compared with regular post-style notes. Workflow automation increased sales when used, and only 32 percent of sales organizations use Proposal and Quote Management within CRM.

39 percent of sales people “fully use CRM to their advantage,” the study found, adding that “one of three sales people uses Events and Tasks religiously,” only 19 percent of users attempt to build custom reports, and “46 percent of users re-click on a link if load-time is over 2 to 3 seconds.”
71 percent of users preferred the integrated e-mail client over MS Outlook, when available, and 68 percent of administrators don’t use a sandbox when customizing CRM.

The organizations with highest user adoption rates also frequently customized their CRM, the study found, adding that service organizations that used the Self Service Portal and Knowledge Base closed cases 18 percent faster, on average.

David Sims is a contributing editor for ContactCenterSolutions. To see more of his articles, please visit his columnist page.
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