Contact Center Solutions Featured Article

Veterans United Home Loans Grabs Interactive Intelligence Innovator Award

July 25, 2013

Interactive Intelligence provides contact center solutions that allow customers to combine multiple customer interaction channels into one easily deployed solution. This is important in today’s organization’s value chain, as it provides an accurate description of the transformation taking place in contact centers.

The Interactive Intelligence Communications-as-a-Service solution allows mid-size to large, mission-critical contact centers to access a full suite of multichannel contact center and unified communications features. It delivers the security, flexibility and reliability required in today’s contact center scenario.

Interactive Intelligence recognizes its customers with an Innovator Award that identifies the customer that demonstrates the most unique and forward-thinking application of the vendor's all-in-one IP communications software suite.

This year, the award was won by the Veterans United Home Loans. The company received the award for large-scale cloud communications deployment and customized apps that result in streamlined operations, increased reliability, and improved customer service.

Veterans United has deployed the cloud-based Interactive Intelligence Communications-as-a-Service solution. With this contact center solution, the home loan company serves more than 1,300 users located in 22 states.

Veterans United is using the Interactive Intelligence Interaction Edge device, which was designed to simplify IT management and reduce costs by combining the functionality of a gateway, media server and SIP proxy appliance.

"The magnitude and speed of the Veterans United Interactive Intelligence CaaS deployment were incredibly impressive," said Dr. Donald E. Brown, Interactive Intelligence founder and CEO, in a statement."Adding to that was its innovative use of our Interaction Edge device to create a first-of-its-kind 'site-within-a-site' model for maximum redundancy."

The Interaction Edge has enabled Veterans United to segment their contact center within a larger building, so in the event of a secondary server failure, the inbound lines remain operational.

The Interactive Intelligence CaaS also helped Veterans United to further improve services to create custom voicemail reporting capabilities. The company has created an automated voicemail response monitoring system that generates custom reports so they can respond to customers and service members quickly.

Gary Lee, Veteran United's chief technology officer, said, "Combined with our customization of the system's auto-attendant that enabled us to map our overlapping three digit extensions to our new four digit plan, we've been able to assure customers fast, efficient and reliable service."

Edited by Blaise McNamee
