Contact Center Solutions Featured Article

Best Practices in Choosing a Contact Center Solution

October 09, 2012

Ten or more years ago, choosing a contact center solution wasn’t all that difficult. Nearly all solutions were premise-based and generally rather inflexible. It the contact center solution was square, you needed to hope fervently that your contact center was a square hole. The only real choices you had were between vendors, and you crossed your fingers and hoped you would find one that took your calls when something went wrong.

Fast-forward to today, and a lack of choice isn’t the problem. In fact, the contact center solutions market is like the menu at a late-night diner: so many choices, you’re not sure where to look first. In fact, you’re often not even completely sure what it is you want to begin with.

As the array of options grows ever larger, contact centers today struggle with understand not only what features they want and need, but how the solution should even be delivered to them. Premise-based? Hosted? Cloud-based?

Smart companies turn to understanding best practices to learn about the solutions and set-ups that have served other organizations well. The best way to uncover these contact center best practices is to talk with industry experts who have seen the process thousands of times and who best understand what works and what doesn’t, and how different types of contact centers have different needs.

IP communications company Interactive Intelligence will give curious contact center organizations a chance to participate in just such an expert best practices forum. On Tuesday, Oct. 30 at 11:30 a.m. Eastern time (EDT), a Web event hosted by Interactive Intelligence CMO, Joe Staples will pull together experts such as Frost & Sullivan Principal Analyst Nancy Jamison, Gartner Research VP Drew Kraus, McGee-Smith Analytics Founder and Principal Analyst Sheila McGee-Smith and Nemertes Research VP and Service Director, Irwin Lazar.

Topics to be discussed include evaluating vendor viability, the role of proactive customer communications in the selection mix, product architecture evaluation, considerations for cloud-based offerings, the role of multichannel communications, assessing UC integration issues when evaluating a contact center solution, maximizing the value of vendor and customer reference site visits and more.

For more information to register, click here.

Edited by Brooke Neuman
