Contact Center Solutions Featured Article

Study: High Tech Companies Improve Online Customer Service Experience

June 05, 2007

Contact centers have migrated to multi-channel communication centers to not only take the load off of live center agents, but to also offer customers the option of more than one communication channel. It also facilitates service to the “always on” consumer sect that demands real-time information from any where and at any time.

However, despite the fact that many organizations are offering these additional channels, not all are keeping up with consumer demands for customer service. According to the Customer Respect Group, an international research and consulting firm that focuses on the way that corporations treat their online customers, some organizations are falling short, while others are making great improvements in customer service deliverables.
The group released the findings from its Second Quarter 2007 Online Customer Respect Study of the High-Technology and Computer Industry, the ninth time the company has researched this segment.
The study focused on the evaluation of Web sites of a respective sample of high-tech and computing companies and a directly comparable Customer Respect Index (CRI™) is provided for each company. The CRI is a qualitative and quantitative in-depth analysis and independent measure of a customer’s experience when interacting with a company via the Internet.
The average rating for the high-technology and computer industry was 6.3 on the 10-point CRI scale, ahead of all other major industry segments for the first time. This score indicates an improvement since the last report, primarily in two key areas. First, online communications, which has consistently been a weakness of the industry, has shown an improvement; and second, in Principles, which measures respect for customers’ personal data.

A full Scorecard is available from The Customer Respect Group at (978) 380.6128 or from the company website at

The Customer Respect Group uses its Customer Respect Index to enable companies to improve their treatment of online customers. The company focuses on providing leadership in the objective and scientific measurement of a customer’s online experience. Many of the largest U.S. companies have already adopted the CRI methodology to improve online customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Ensuring that customers feel just as valued online as they do when talking to a live agent is essential for every organization that allows customers to interact via the Internet or a Web site. In nearly every industry, competition has tightened to the point that service deliverables are the only method of differentiation for the company. Unless high customer service levels are sought in every communication channel, the company will risk losing the customer to a competitor offering the better service experience.

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Susan J. Campbell is a contributing editor for TMC and has also written for To see more of her articles, please visit Susan J. Campbell’s columnist page.
