Contact Center Solutions Featured Article

Satmetrix Pro Makes Its Debut

October 15, 2013

The newly unveiled Satmetrix Pro is termed as the only self-service Net Promoter Software application delivered in the cloud. By using the new software, companies of all sizes can leverage Net Promoter to affordably create customer loyalty and make enhanced customer experience.

According to Satmetrix, the cloud-based Net Promoter software is an objective method for measuring and acting on customer feedback to bring down churn, maximizing cross-sell and upsell, and extending one’s customer reach. The new Satmetrix Pro is available for a free-trail period and it puts the Net Promoter software within the reach of SMBs.

With Satmetrix Pro, SMBs can easily migrate from customer feedback to business insights and action, understand the driving factors of customer loyalty and act upon it to realize better operational outcomes, identify and rectify problems affecting the customer to retain them, sort out trends and product and service gaps to create new sales opportunities, as well as manage, analyze, and act on customer feedback in an affordable manner.

Richard Owen, chief executive officer of Satmetrix, commented, “Traditionally, the kind of expertise and functionality you’ll find in an application like Satmetrix Pro has been available only to the big boys. Thanks to the cloud, the ability to draw meaningful insight from customer feedback – and to act on that feedback – is now accessible to everyone. Satmetrix Pro is the first software of its kind to truly embrace software-as-a-service benefits. It’s an incredible opportunity for small- to mid-sized companies to implement a Net Promoter customer program at an affordable price. And every enterprise using EMF or other feedback software should take this opportunity to reevaluate the cost of their current program.”

Achilles, a supply chain risk management company, acknowledged that Satmetrix Pro was an invaluable tool for listening to customers who are the heart of its business. The software’s intuitive and user-friendly features allowed the company to leverage customer feedback to sort out and prioritize the means for taking its business to the next level.

Edited by Alisen Downey
