Contact Center Solutions Featured Article

NexxPhase Announces Islands of Excellence in a Sea of Mediocrity Series

June 14, 2012

NexxPhase has announced that the company has partnered with Covation, Pipkins, VPI, and Knowlagent to start an education campaign to educate contact centers on better serving their customers. This initiative is supported by a cloud-based service and support offering.

Customers often have to deal with undertrained contact center staff, which is not helpful to the company or to the customers. This results in dissatisfaction to the customers and ultimately the company has to suffer in terms of business losses and brand image losses. The outdated technology employed in these contact centers does not help either.

 There are lots advantages in taking the contact center to the cloud; no capital expenses, advanced hardware and software, the ability to quickly install new apps and the ability to react to change. In this first installment, the company focuses on the technology platform needs for a modern call center as it supports interacting with social media. It makes use of the text messaging and chat to prevent a live call, the company stated in a press release.

According to Craig Mento, CEO at NexxPhase, “… it’s about providing a great customer experience at the lowest overall cost to serve. We’ve seen that you can’t do today’s business with yesterday’s tools. Stephen Covey said that good people in a bad system give bad results. The world has changed; it’s time to rethink every aspect of your contact center.”

Recently, TMC reported that the company announced an upcoming webinar, where presenters will focus on how a company can improve outcomes by 15 percent or more by making use of psychological tools to hire the right people, producing  a desirable work environment, investing in an optimal technology infrastructure, multichannel cloud-based technology, workforce management, quality management, real-time metrics/reporting, agent utilization, and creating a service delivery model based on real-time metrics and KPIs.

Edited by Brooke Neuman
